Are your houseplants starting to look sad?
Are the leaves yellowing, drooping, or starting to fall off?
You may have spider mites, especially if you recently brought home a new plant or brought them in from outside.
These tiny bugs can cause a lot of damage to indoor plants if left untreated.
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What are Spider Mites?
Spider mites are tiny arachnids that feed on the underside of plant leaves. They have eight legs, just like normal spiders.
At about the size of a pinhead (1/50th of an inch), adult spider mites are difficult to see with the naked eye.
Nymphs (baby spider mites) are even smaller and harder to see without a magnifying glass.
Both adults and nymphs pierce plant leaves with their needle-like mouthparts to suck out the sap.
This feeding damages the plant, causing the leaves to yellow, discolor, or drop off entirely.
Spider mites are a common plant pest, both indoors and outdoors.
They can infest all kinds of plants, including fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamentals.
They are most identifiable by the fine webbing that they spin on plants.
However, this is most notable with large infestations.
Large infestations will kill the entire plant they are feeding on.
Thankfully, most plants can tolerate smaller infestations.
How Long do Spider Mites Live?
Adult female spider mites can live for up to 2 months and lay hundreds of eggs over their lifetime.
Eggs hatch in 3-5 days and nymphs mature into adults in 7-14 days, depending on the temperature and humidity.
This means that a new generation of spider mites can be born every week or two, leading to a population explosion if left unchecked.
What do Spider Mite Eggs Look Like?
Spider mite eggs are tiny, oval-shaped, and usually pale in color (white, yellow, or green).
They are often found in small clusters on the underside of leaves.
How do You Get Spider Mites?
Spider mites can come into your home in a few different ways:
- New houseplants – it doesn’t matter where you get it from, any new plant has the potential to have spider mites
- Putting plants outside to bring inside in the fall
- Using unsterile potting soil when you repot your plants
- Cut flowers and vegetables that you bring in from your garden
- The wind can bring them in through any open windows or doors
Symptoms of Spider Mites on Indoor Plants
The first step in getting rid of spider mites is to identify an infestation.
This can be tricky as they are so small and hard to see.
The key symptoms to look for are:
- Yellowing or discoloring leaves
- Stippling or bronzing on the leaves
- Leaves that are dropping off
- Spider webbing around the leaves of your plant and sometimes on the stems as well
How do You Get Rid of Spider Mites on Houseplants?
There are a few different ways to get rid of a spider mite problem in your home.
Spray with Water
The first thing I like to do with any plant that has spider mites is to spray it with water.
This knocks them off the plant’s leaves and potentially out of the pot.
You can do this with a garden hose, a spray bottle, or even just by holding the plant under the faucet.
Just be sure to get the undersides of leaves as this is where they are likely to be hiding.
Do this once a week for a few weeks and you should see a reduction in the spider mite population.
Unfortunately spraying with water will only control the problem, it will not get rid of it completely.
Can You Drown Spider Mites?
According to Hidden Valley Hibiscus, it is possible to drown spider mites.
But, you can’t drown them just by spraying them with water.
You have to place the plant, pot and all, completely underwater for 45 to 60 minutes.
If you use too hot of water or leave the plant under water for too long, you could kill the plant.
Too cold of water or not long enough under the water can leave some of the spider mites alive.
Not putting the pot and soil under the water with the leaves will also leave some alive.
Prune Infested Leaves
If there are only a few leaves that are infested, you can try removing them from the plant.
This will remove the spider mites from the plant and stop them from doing any more damage.
Be sure to dispose of the leaves in a sealed bag so the spider mites don’t escape and infest other plants.
Make sure to monitor your plant closely if you use this method as it is very likely that there are more spider mites somewhere else on the plant.
Use Neem Oil
Neem oil is a horticultural oil that can be effective against spider mites.
It works by disrupting their life cycle and preventing them from reproducing.
You can find neem oil at most garden stores or online.
Many places sell neem oil ready to use if you don’t want to mix it yourself.
Just be sure to shake the bottle frequently when using it as it does separate.
To use, properly mix the neem oil and fill a spray bottle, or use premixed neem oil that comes in a spray bottle.
Mist the plant, being sure to get the undersides of the leaves.
Do this every 5 to 7 days for 3 to 4 weeks and you should see the end of your spider mite infestation.
Repeat treatment is important, if you don’t reapply weekly for at least 3 weeks, preferably 4, the spider mites will come back.
Use Insecticidal Soap
Insecticidal soap is another option for getting rid of spider mites.
You can find insecticidal soap at most garden stores or online.
Apartment Therapy says to spray the insecticidal soap directly on the spider mites, making sure to get them thoroughly wet.
This needs to be done weekly until all the spider mites are gone.
Use Beneficial Insects
Beneficial insects are bugs that will provide some sort of benefit to your plant.
In this case, beneficial insects would be any that are natural predators to spider mites.
Ladybugs are a great option for getting rid of spider mites as they will eat all life stages of spider mites.
And according to Leafy Journal, ladybugs can eat approximately 90 spider mites in a day.
You can buy these at some garden stores or on Amazon and release them near your plants.
The downside to ladybugs is that you would then have them in your house.
Some people may not mind that, but if you do, try a different method.
Hydrogen Peroxide
Hydrogen peroxide can be used to get rid of spider mites by spraying it on the leaves.
It will kill the adults, but not the eggs.
Gardening Today says to mix 1 cup of 3% hydrogen peroxide with 1 cup of water and put it in a spray bottle.
Then spray the plant, making sure to get all of the foliage.
Since this method doesn’t kill the eggs, it needs to be repeated daily for at least a week.
Make sure to mix a new batch daily to ensure effectiveness.
For sensitive plants or any that you are concerned about being damaged, test a small area first.
Wait a few days to see if it affected the plant before spraying the whole plant.
Diatomaceous Earth
Diatomaceous earth is a natural powder that can be used to kill spider mites.
It works by slashing through the exoskeleton and protective coatings of the spider mites.
While diatomaceous earth is effective in killing spider mites, the application of it can be difficult.
For it to work, spider mites have to walk through it.
Since spider mites mostly stay in the leaves, it needs to be applied to both the top and the bottom of all the leaves.
As a powder, this is not an easy thing to do.
Spray with Chemical Pesticides
Another option is using a chemical pesticide.
Pesticides can be effective, but they need to be used properly to avoid damaging your plants.
Always follow the directions on the package and take caution when using them.
Many pesticides are broad-spectrum, meaning they will kill any insects, not just spider mites.
This can be beneficial if you have a plant that is being overrun by multiple pests.
Pesticides can also be harmful to people and pets, so be sure to take the necessary precautions when using them.
If you are uncomfortable using a chemical pesticide, try the other methods above.
Toss the plant
Sometimes, the best way to get rid of spider mites is to just throw the plant away.
If the plant is really struggling or has a really bad infestation, it may be time just to toss it in the garbage.
If you decide you don’t want to deal with the plant that has spider mites, place the plant, dirt and all, in a garbage bag and take it outside immediately.
If you don’t care about the pot, toss that too.
If you keep the pot, make sure to give it a good cleaning with bleach and hot water.
Keep in mind that even if you get rid of the infested plant, spider mites could still be in your home.
Be sure to check your other plants and take steps to prevent them from being infested.
How to Prevent Spider Mites on Indoor Plants
The best way to get rid of spider mites is to prevent them from infesting your plants in the first place.
Quarantine New Plants
When you bring a new plant home, it’s best to quarantine it for a few weeks.
This will help to prevent any pests or diseases from spreading to your other plants.
To properly quarantine a plant, put it in a separate room away from your other plants.
Inspect the plant thoroughly for signs of spider mites or other pests.
If you think there are spider mites you can try taking a white sheet of paper and holding it under the area you think they may be.
Then shake the plant and see if any tiny specks fall onto the paper.
I will say I tried this on a plant that had a horrible infestation and wasn’t able to see anything on the paper.
If you think there might be spider mites or other pests, treat the plant while keeping it in quarantine.
After a few weeks, if the plant is still spider mite free, you can then add it to your collection.
Proper Watering and Humidity
Proper watering helps to prevent spider mites from taking over your plant.
Spider mites like dry conditions so a properly watered plant with the right amount of humidity will make it harder for their population to explode.
Plants that are too dry are doubly at risk of spider mites.
The plant is already stressed and giving spider mites their ideal conditions means the population can grow at a fast rate and quickly kill the plant.
Be sure to water your plants regularly and don’t let the soil dry out too much.
But don’t over water either!
Increasing the humidity around your plants can also reduce the chances of getting a spider mite infestation.
You can do this by misting them with water, using a pebble tray under the pot, or using a humidifier near your plants.
Systemic miticide for spider mites
Systemic miticides work by being absorbed into the plant and killing spider mites when they feed on the plant.
This means they are most effective when used as a preventative measure, not after an infestation has started.
When used regularly, a systemic will help prevent spider mites from taking over your plants.
Just be sure to choose one that says it treats spider mites.
Not all systemic pesticides work on mites, make sure you get a miticide and not just a pesticide.
All systemics should have a list of pests they work on.
My Preferred Spider Mite Treatment
I like to use a combination of methods when treating spider mites on my plants.
I spray them with water, in the shower or outside depending on the weather outside (or even the kitchen sink if the plant is small enough).
Then I spray them with neem oil, making sure to get the topside and underside of all the leaves.
I then leave the plants alone for about a week before repeating the process.
After at least 3, but usually 4 treatments, I leave the plants alone and watch for signs of spider mites again.
Before the first shower/neem oil treatment, I toss any plants that look severely damaged.
Some people say neem oil won’t get rid of spider mites (I’ve seen it in several groups I’m in), but I’ve never had to treat them again after this process.
At least, until I bring spider mites back into my home by buying a new plant or bringing plants in from outside.
The biggest issue with neem oil is that it has to be repeated at least every 5 to 7 days for 3 to 4 weeks.
Otherwise, you won’t get all the life stages of the mites.
If you don’t kill all the stages, of course, the spider mites will come back.
Do ants eat spider mites?
Yes, ants will eat spider mites.
This is helpful for outdoor plants, but not indoor plants.
What temperature kills spider mites?
Spider mites can survive in a wide range of temperatures, but according to HGIC Clemson, they are most active between 48°F and 111°F.
Do spider mites die in the cold?
Spider mites do not die in the cold, but they do become less active.
In colder regions, outdoor spider mites will overwinter in the soil.
Do spider mites live in soil?
They can live in soil, but they mainly live where their food is, on the plant.
They will overwinter in the soil in colder climates.
Does bleach kill spider mites?
Yes, bleach will kill spider mites, but it may not kill the eggs.
Bleach is best used on empty pots that may have been in contact with spider mites as it can damage live plants.
How long can spider mites live without plants?
Spider mites can live without plants for 10 to 12 days in optimal conditions.
After that, they will start to die.
Do ladybugs eat spider mites and eggs?
Yes, they eat all stages of the spider mite life cycle, the eggs, larvae, nymphs, and mature spider mites.