Close up of yellow aphids on a leaf.

How To Get Rid Of Aphids On House Plants

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If you’ve been having trouble with aphids on your houseplants, you’re not alone.

These pesky little bugs can quickly become a big problem if left unchecked. 

They can also be tough to get rid of, but with a few simple steps, you can eliminate them and keep them from coming back.

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Pin image of yellow aphids on a leaf with a text overlay that reads best ways to kill aphids #4 is my fav!

What are Aphids?

Aphids are a common garden pest that can be found both in the garden and on houseplants.

They are small, pear-shaped soft-bodied insects. 

They can be different colors, typically green, black, brown, red, yellow, or even gray.

Aphids feed on the sap of plants.

They also reproduce rapidly and can produce live young with or without mating.

Do Aphids Harm Houseplants?

Yellow aphids on a leaf.

Yes, aphids can cause a lot of damage to houseplants if left unchecked. 

A severe infestation can weaken and even kill a plant and can make your plants more susceptible to disease.

They also secrete a sticky substance called honeydew, which can attract other pests like ants and sooty mold on the plant’s leaves.

This can all lead to stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and even death in severe cases.

Are Aphids Harmful to Humans?

No, aphids are not harmful to humans.

They are just annoying to look at and are harmful to the plants you have.

Besides being annoying, the honeydew they produce can cause issues.

This honeydew attracts other pests, like ants.

And no one wants ants in or around their home.

Signs of an Aphid Infestation

Green aphids on some leaves.

The most obvious sign of an aphid infestation is the presence of small insects with pear-shaped bodies on the stems or leaves of your plants.

You might also see honeydew, ants, or sooty mold on the leaves. 

If the aphids have been around for a while there may be white exoskeletons on the leaves of your plant or near the base of the plant.

How do Aphids Get on Indoor Plants?

There are two main ways that aphids can get on your houseplants:

  • come in on new plants or your clothing
  • come in through an open window or door

How to Get Rid of Aphids on Houseplants

There are many safe and easy methods that you can use to eliminate aphids on houseplants.

Wipe the Aphids Away

You can remove aphids from your plants by simply wiping them off with a damp cloth or paper towel.

Make sure you check the entire plant. 

The aphids I have had were usually found on the undersides of the leaves and on the stem.

This method is most effective on small infestations.

Spray with Water

Instead of wiping your plant down you can try to spray the aphids with a strong stream of water.

Only do this to strong, healthy plants as weaker plants may be damaged by the water.

I haven’t had much luck with this method, but it’s worth a try.

I’ve only used it on my outdoor plants, specifically my milkweed patch, but very few aphids were knocked off when I sprayed them with water.

The spray was as strong as I could get without damaging the plants. 

I have not tried this method on my houseplants. 

Soap and Water

You can make a homemade spray by mixing Dawn dish soap (the original variety) and water.

To do this, mix 1 teaspoon of dish soap with 1 quart of water.

Spray the soapy water directly on the aphids that are on your plant. 

Make sure to check the whole plant, including the undersides of leaves.

Repeat once a week for a month. 

According to Gardening Mentor, using it longer than a month risks damaging your plants. 

This happens because the properties that make Dawn a good dish soap can also break down the natural protective coatings on most plants.

If you have sensitive or expensive plants, I would try other methods to limit the risk of damaging the plant.

Neem Oil

Neem oil is a natural product made from the seeds of the neem tree.

It’s effective against aphids and many other types of insects.

To use you need to make a neem oil spray.

Do this by mixing 1 to 2 tablespoons of neem oil with 1 gallon of water then pour it in a spray bottle.

Make sure to mix it well and frequently as the neem oil and water will separate quickly.

Also, only mix as much as you can use as neem oil starts to break down when added to water.

Spray the mixture onto the plant, making sure to cover the entire plant, including the underside of leaves.

Repeat once a week for a month.

Move plants out of direct sunlight before applying neem oil as it can cause burns when applied in direct sunlight.

Once the neem oil has dried, it is safe to place the plants back into direct light.

Insecticidal Soap

Ready made insecticidal soap is another option for getting rid of aphids.

Insecticidal soap works by direct contact with the aphids, so make sure to spray the entire plant to get all the aphids on it.

While insecticidal soap should be safe for your plants, it could still damage sensitive plants.

For best results be sure to follow the instructions on the label.

Rubbing Alcohol

Another option is to use rubbing alcohol to kill the aphids. There are two ways to apply rubbing alcohol to your plants:

Direct Application

To apply rubbing alcohol directly to the aphids, dip a cotton swab in the rubbing alcohol.

Then touch each aphid with the cotton swab.

This method is not the best to use on large numbers of aphids, mainly due to the amount of time it would take to touch all of the aphids.

Spray It On

If you have more aphids than you want to treat with the direct method, you can use rubbing alcohol as a spray as well.

To do this, mix 1 part rubbing alcohol with 4 parts water, then pour into a spray bottle.

Spray the mixture on the aphids and let it dry for a few hours.

You should then rinse your plant to remove any remaining rubbing alcohol from it to prevent damage.

Repeat this once a week for 3 to 4 weeks.

Unfortunately, spraying rubbing alcohol, even watered-down rubbing alcohol, on your plants does have the potential to damage your plant.

Either test this method on a small portion of the plant or try a different method if you don’t want to risk damaging your plant.

Prune Infested Areas

For really bad infestations, you may need to prune the infested areas of the plant.

Do this by cutting off any leaves or stems that have aphids on them and disposing of them in the trash.

Be sure to disinfect your scissors or shears with rubbing alcohol before and after use to prevent the spread of disease or pests.

Yellow Sticky Traps

Yellow sticky traps also work for controlling aphid populations.

These work by attracting aphids with their color and then trapping them on the sticky surface.

You can purchase these at most garden centers or online.

Place the traps around the perimeter of your plant and check them regularly. 

When they’re full, dispose of them and replace them with new ones.

Beneficial Insects

A ladybug grabbing an aphid.

Beneficial insects are natural predators of aphids, including ladybugs and green lacewings.

You can purchase these insects at your local garden center and release them onto your plants.

They will help to control the aphid population by eating the aphids and may help prevent them from coming back.

The only downside with this method is that now you have ladybugs or lacewings in your house.

Many people swear by this method, but for me, it’s not one I will try on my houseplants. 

I just don’t want bugs in my house, beneficial or not.

However, I have considered trying this method on the annual aphid infestation of my milkweed outside.

I have no problem with beneficial bugs outside my house, just please, not in my house.

Chemical Insecticides

Another option you can try is using chemical insecticides to get rid of the aphids. 

I prefer to avoid chemical sprays on pests on my houseplants as most, if not all, of these sprays can be harmful to people, pets, and some plants.

If you do choose to use chemical sprays, make sure to follow the directions on the label for the best results.

How to Prevent Aphids From Coming Back

Once you’ve gotten rid of the aphids, you’ll want to take some steps to prevent them from coming back. 

While these methods will help prevent future aphid outbreaks, there is no way to guarantee that you will never see these bugs again.

Inspect Your Plants Regularly

The best thing you can do to prevent an aphid infestation in the future is to inspect your plants regularly. 

Inspecting them regularly will help you identify an aphid infestation early before they spread.

Plus, catching them early makes them easier to get rid of than if the population has exploded already.

Neem Oil as a Preventative

Besides treating aphids, neem oil can also be used as a preventative for aphids. 

Regular application to your plants will help prevent aphids (and other pests) from making your plants their home and dinner.

Applying neem oil as a preventative is done the same way as using it as a treatment except for the frequency. 

When used as a preventative you only need to apply it every other week instead of weekly.

Quarantine New Plants

Another way to prevent aphids is to quarantine all new plants for at least a few days to a week.

This allows you to find out if the plant has aphids or other pests before putting it by your current houseplants.

If it ends up having pests, you can treat it while it’s in quarantine and prevent it from spreading to your other houseplants.

Have Aphid Repelling Plants

Some plants naturally repel aphids and having these plants around your other plants might help prevent aphids.

According to The Free Range Life basil, rosemary, mint, and catnip will all repel aphids.

Marigolds are also known to repel many insects and may help with aphids as well.

Unfortunately, this method of preventing aphids works better outside than inside, but it’s worth a try.


Do Aphids Bite Humans?

No, aphids do not bite humans. 

They may suck the sap from your plants, but they will not bite you.

Do Spiders Eat Aphids?

Yes, spiders will eat aphids if they get in their web.

Do Aphids Live in the Soil?

No, the aphids you find on your plant do not live in the soil. 

A different type of aphids, the root aphids, do live in the soil, but they are not the same as the aphids that are on your plants.

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Pin image of yellow aphids on a leaf with a text overlay that reads get rid of aphids with these tips.