N’Joy pothos, a popular houseplant known for its low-maintenance requirements and attractive foliage, is an ideal choice for both new and experienced plant enthusiasts. The plant’s heart-shaped leaves with green and white variegation make it a visually appealing addition to any indoor space.
Learning how to grow and care for n’joy pothos is a rewarding venture, as this resilient plant can thrive in various lighting conditions and requires minimal watering.
In this blog post we delve into essential care tips, including optimal lighting, watering, and propagation methods, to help your n’joy pothos flourish and brighten up your home.
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What is a n’joy pothos?
N’joy pothos is a popular cultivar of marble queen pothos in the Epipremnum aureum species and belongs to the arum family (Araceae). It is a climbing plant and does well as a hanging basket or in a pot with a moss pole or trellis that allows it to climb.
The njoy pothos is known for its striking, variegated leaves, featuring a mix of green and cream colors. These leaves also tend to be smaller than other varieties of pothos including the marble queen and golden pothos varieties.
This hardy vining plant can adapt to various growing conditions, making it an excellent choice for novice and seasoned gardeners alike.
Is n’joy pothos rare?
No, pothos njoy is not a rare plant. It’s actually quite common and can be found at many nurseries, garden centers, and online retailers.
Are n’joy pothos poisonous/toxic?
Yes, all varieties are poisonous/toxic to humans and pets if ingested. The n’joy pothos contains calcium oxalate crystals which can cause discomfort if consumed. Be sure to keep this plant out of reach of children and pets.
N’joy pothos care

Finding the perfect spot for your N’Joy Pothos is crucial in ensuring its healthy growth. When selecting a location, keep in mind the plant’s light, temperature, and humidity requirements.
Light Requirements
N’joy pothos thrives in bright indirect light. It can tolerate lower light levels but bright indirect light is needed for optimal growth. Direct sunlight can damage the leaves which can cause the leaves to die if left in the sun too long.
The best place for your N’Joy Pothos is near a window with filtered light or in a well-lit room with no direct sunlight exposure.
If you don’t have access to natural light, you can use artificial light from a grow light to ensure the plant receives the necessary light.
It’s important to water your N’Joy Pothos only when the topsoil is slightly dry. It’s best to let the top inch or so of soil dry before you water the plant again. Be cautious not to overwater, as this can lead to root rot.
To avoid overwatering use the finger test to check the soil. All you need to do is stick your finger into the soil to the depth of the first knuckle. If the soil is still damp wait a day and check again.
This is especially important as the seasons change due to the different amounts of time it takes for the soil to dry during different times of the year.
Another way to avoid over-watering is to pour off any excess water that drains out of the pot after you have watered it.
For my n’joy I typically water anywhere between once a week to every two weeks depending on how warm and dry my house is. By using the finger test before watering you can learn how often to water based on the conditions in your home.
N’Joy Pothos also appreciates humidity level to be between 50% and 70%. If your home’s humidity is lower than ideal, you can raise it by placing your plant in a naturally humid room like a bathroom or kitchen if there is enough light, or by grouping several plants close together.
Another option is to create a humidity tray with pebbles and water for your plant to sit on. This is supposed to increase the humidity around the plant without keeping the soil too wet. I have never used a pebble tray as my cats would find a way to make a mess with it.
My preferred method is to group my plants together which does a decent job of increasing the humidity by the plants for most pothos to be happy and continue to put out new growth.
N’joy pothos is a tropical plant and as such does best in temperatures between 65 and 80ºF (18 and 30ºC). It can tolerate slightly lower temperatures for short periods but should not be exposed to freezing conditions as this can kill the plant.
Avoid placing your plant near drafty windows, air conditioners, or heating vents, as sudden temperature fluctuations may stress the plant.
N’joy pothos is a low-maintenance plant that can grow in a variety of soil types. However, for optimal growth, it is recommended to use a well-draining potting mix.
Most high-quality commercial potting mixes will work for n’joy pothos but avoid those that are real heavy or labeled moisture control. I’ve found that moisture control tends to keep the soil too wet and causes more problems than it solves.
My preferred brand of potting soil is Miracle Grow potting soil. I do usually add some orchid bark for extra drainage but it isn’t necessary for this plant.
N’Joy Pothos is a hardy plant that does not require frequent fertilization. However, to keep the plant healthy and promote growth, fertilization is necessary.
It is recommended to fertilize the plant once a month during the growing season, which is typically spring and summer. But when artificial lights are used with indoor plants, the plant may continue growing throughout the year.
If your plant is actively growing, it may need some fertilizer throughout the year.
If you recently repotted your n’joy with fresh potting soil that has fertilizer added, make sure to not give additional fertilizer during the time period that the bag says it feeds the plant for. Otherwise, you may end up overfertilizing your plant and this can cause issues for your plant.
When selecting a fertilizer, it is important to choose one that is balanced and made for houseplants. A balanced fertilizer will provide the necessary nutrients for the plant to grow and thrive.
Pruning Your Plant
N’joy Pothos is a trailing plant and can easily become too leggy if left unchecked. If you want your plant to bush out and be fuller, it needs to be pruned regularly.
The best way to prune your pothos is with clean scissors or pruning shears. Make sure to cut the stems just above a node. This encourages the plant to bush out and fill in with more stems, providing a fuller look.
Repotting Frequency
N’joy Pothos is a slow-growing plant and should be repotted every year or two as it becomes too big for it’s current pot.
I’ve always heard that you should only repot your plants in the early spring before the growing season begins. But my houseplants, including my n’joy, continue to grow throughout the year.
Since my plants grow throughout the year, I repot them throughout the year if they need it. Though I do try to do my repotting during late spring through early fall.
This is mainly because once it gets cold outside I have to do my repotting in my dining room. And if I can avoid getting dirt all over my dining room, I will. Just make sure that if you store your potting soil in an unheated garage or shed you will need to allow it, and the planter you will be using, to warm to room temperature before you repot your plant.
When selecting a new pot for your pothos, make sure it has good drainage and is only one size bigger than the current pot.
If you are just repotting it to freshen the soil you may be able to leave it in its current pot if the roots still have a decent amount of room.
Propagating n’joy pothos

The most common way to propagate an n’joy pothos is through stem cuttings. The best time to do this is when you prune your plant as you will have cuttings that will otherwise just get tossed in the trash.
The easiest method to propagate an n’joy pothos is the water method. To do this take one of your cuttings that is at least two or three leaves long and remove the bottom leaf.
Place the cutting in a jar and fill the water up past the bottom most node (the spot where the leaf you removed was growing).
Keep in a warm, bright location. You can change the water every few days to a week, or just top it off with fresh water as it evaporates.
I usually just add more water unless the water is starting to look or smell funny. Then I dump out the water, rinse the jar, and refill it with fresh room temperature water.
After a few weeks, roots should start to form. Once the roots are a few inches long, you can put it in a small pot with potting soil. Make sure to keep the soil damp, but not soggy, for the first few weeks while the cutting gets used to being in soil.
Propagation can be a fun and rewarding way to expand your collection of N’Joy Pothos plants. Just remember to be patient and give your new plants the care they need to thrive.
Common problems with n’joy pothos
There are a few common problems that you may experience when growing a n’joy plant.
Brown Tips

The most common reason your njoy pothos is developing brown tips is that there is a watering issue. Unfortunately, this could be from over-watering, under-watering, or using tap water.
To verify if it is an over or underwatering issue, start using the finger test before you water. If the dirt is very dry when you go to water, you are probably underwatering. Water the plant and then check on it a few days sooner than you did that time.
If the soil is still damp or wet to the touch, you are overwatering and need to wait a few days before checking again.
Tap water causing the issue is a little harder to identify, but if you feel it isn’t from how frequently you water, it could be from the type of water you use. You can try using distilled water and see if the new leaves don’t develop brown tips.
Honestly, for me, if it’s only the tip that is brown, I don’t really worry about the plant.
Some of my plants don’t like tap water and others don’t care. As long as it isn’t the whole leaf turning brown, I don’t really worry about it.
Leggy growth
If your n’joy pothos is getting leggy, it is most likely from too little light. Move the plant closer to a window or add artificial lighting if you’re not getting enough natural light.
Unfortunately even moving it to a higher light location will not cause new leaves to grow between the current leaves. It will just make it so future growth is no longer leggy.
You can either leave it with its leggy growth or you can prune it back to remove the leggy growth and have a fuller plant as it grows less leggy in the higher light location.
Drooping Leaves
Drooping leaves on an njoy pothos means that it isn’t getting enough water. This is usually caused by underwatering your plant.
Give it a good drink of water and the leaves should perk up within a day or so.
If all of the leaves are still droopy after a couple of days it means more is going on. At this point it usually means something is wrong with the plant’s roots.
If you recently repotted it or recently added a trellis or moss pole, it’s possible that you damaged the roots where they attach to the plant causing the plant to be unable to get water from the roots to the leaves.
Unfortunately, if this is the case the only option you have is to chop and prop. Once the roots are damaged preventing water from getting to the leaves, it is unlikely your plant will heal itself.
Common pests
N’Joy pothos, like most houseplants, can be susceptible to various pests that may harm their growth and appearance.
Some common pests that can affect N’Joy pothos include fungus gnats, spider mites, mealybugs, and thrips. These pests can cause damage to the leaves and stems of your plant, making it important to monitor their presence closely.
If you notice signs of these pests, you can use natural or chemical methods to control their population and protect your plant.
Regularly examining your N’Joy pothos for signs of pests, and taking appropriate action, can help ensure that your plant remains healthy and continues to thrive.

How fast does njoy pothos grow?
N’joy pothos has a slow growth rate, with its growth noticeably slower than other varieties of pothos like the golden pothos.
How tall does njoy pothos grow?
In optimal conditions, an njoy pothos vine can grow as big as 10 feet long.
How to make njoy pothos grow faster?
Unfortunately, there is no way to get an n’joy pothos to grow faster. The best you can do is to provide it with the right conditions to promote optimal growth. While this will encourage growth, it won’t speed it up.
How cold can njoy pothos tolerate?
N’joy pothos are not frost tolerant and can’t tolerate temperatures below 50°F. If you live in an area with cold winters, it is best to keep your plant indoors during the winter months.
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